Blockchain-based online voting is no magic bullet, but it is inevitable if faith in the election process is to be restored. Some people are already eligible for online voting. Why not roll it out? Every time elections get tight, the voting process itself is called into question. Whether it was allegations of non-citizens flooding polling places or fears about Russian election meddling in the 2016 Presidential election – politicians have been adept at exploiting the complexity of mail-in voting, ballot counting and electronic voting machines. But the discourse over the last year has heaved the mistrust onto another level. President Trump’s rallying cry about a rigged election, his threat not to accept the outcome, and the perpetually repeated claim that the election was stolen endanger the democratic process.
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Why We Need Online Voting + a compact upate…
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Blockchain-based online voting is no magic bullet, but it is inevitable if faith in the election process is to be restored. Some people are already eligible for online voting. Why not roll it out? Every time elections get tight, the voting process itself is called into question. Whether it was allegations of non-citizens flooding polling places or fears about Russian election meddling in the 2016 Presidential election – politicians have been adept at exploiting the complexity of mail-in voting, ballot counting and electronic voting machines. But the discourse over the last year has heaved the mistrust onto another level. President Trump’s rallying cry about a rigged election, his threat not to accept the outcome, and the perpetually repeated claim that the election was stolen endanger the democratic process.